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The true meaning of Success

True meaning of Success
When someone says they are successful, the next think we look out for is the kind of cars they drive, the kind of houses they live in and the kind of businesses they operate. In other to be able to qualify their degree of success, we try to quantify the level of their possession. We equate wealth with success, this is wrong thinking.
Success is abstract, it cannot be seen, it cannot be touched, it cannot be tasted, it cannot be smelt, it cannot be felt, it can only be perceived. So it will be wrong to tell how successful someone is by basing our judgement on physical tangible things like houses, cars ,etc.
These physical things are not and should not be the determinant for success.
You cannot measure an abstract phenomenon using a physical device. You can measure rain using rain gauge, you can measure wind using wind vane, you can measure sun using sun recorder, but you cannot measure an abstract component like success using any scientifically manufactured device. You cannot measure an abstract component like success using any man made device.
 Just as there is no device known to measure the degree of love a person have for another because if it existed( a love measuring tool/device) I bet we will all have  it in our houses, love cannot be measured physically, it can only be expressed from within, so also success can only be measured or expressed from within using abstract measuring tools like integrity, morals, resilient, compassion ,generosity,  creativity ,etc.
 ( the list is endless).
Cars, houses, and other possessions are only products and by products of success and not success in itself. Don’t mistake wealth for success.
A person can be wealthy but not successful. Mind you, not all success yield immediate results. Some take years to accumulate and may bring out products years after the person is long dead and gone but be rest assured that the product will spring forth in the person’s generation.
Success always out lives the originator but wealth and riches may not.
Success is not physical wealth, it is abstract potential wealth. Success is not how rich you are, it is how rich your integrity is, it is how rich your morals are, it is how rich your creativity is, it is how vastly eminent you are in your resilient.
Success is an outburst of overflowing dynamism encapsulated in uniqueness.
Success is like a button of integrity sown onto a shirt of perseverance.
If success is judged by physical possessions like cars, houses, etc. then people like Mohammed  maghandi of India, mother Theresa of Avilla, Mary slessor, William Wilberforce etc. would be known around the world as very highly unsuccessful people and universal symbols and figures of failure because they never owned a car, or a house , but you know their story better than I do.
I leave you with these words
Success has no owner, it is available to all
To me  success is the ability to impact meaningfully to humanity.


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