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A medicine for a refined mind

Your size doesn’t define your might,
Your age doesn’t define your wisdom,
Your looks doesn’t define your ability,
Your position doesn’t determine your confidence,
Your wealth doesn’t define your fulfilment,
Your fame doesn’t define your credibility,
Your calmness doesn’t define your vulnerability.

If you are still in the habit of making your judgement of people based on their age, size, looks, position, fame, wealth, etc. Sorry to say you still have a very outdated mindset that should be left behind with the year 2019 and should be updated and refined.

Learn to accept and appreciate the uniqueness and distinctive  characteristics of   people’s personality regardless of the irrelevant factors mentioned above.

Wishing you all a happy new year.
It is a whole new dawn, expect things to be done in a different way other than yours, nobody was born to impress anybody.
Stay blessed.

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