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How to retain a positive mind in a negative environment


When the going gets tough, only the tough gets going

Whether you choose to agree with this above statement or not, that doesn't change the fact that it is inevitably true.

Negative influence drains your positive energy.  

For example have you ever been in a very elated and excited mood, then you receive a message or a call informing you of the death of a loved one , probably your dad, mom, siblings, close friends or relative ?

I am very sure that at one time or another we have found ourselves in such unfortunate situation, My condolences.

What happens next, we discover that immediately we hear such news, our countenance changes from smiles to weeping, from joy to sadness, from happiness to sorrow,

This alone helps us understand that in just less than a minute a negative message, event, influence or situation  could crush our positive vibe.

This occurred to me when I lost my father.

What is my point exactly ?

The fact is that it is quite difficult to stay positive in an environment where we are surrounded by a lot of negative influences and distractions,

It takes a very emotionally stable and strong person to survive without been invaded by the virus of negativity.

Recently I was listening to the news, and It was announced that at least more than 50% of people lost their jobs during the Covid-19 pandemic and many more experienced a very high slash of salaries, in fact the world in general is experiencing an economic calamity.

Amidst all these how can one then maintain a relaxed mind and optimistic

 spirit ?

My point been made, now to the brighter side .

Do you know that in the midst of all these a lot of businesses and companies made billions of profit that they haven't made before ?

Last week I was privileged to visit a site and I discovered that lost of people undertook building projects of houses this period,

This is to tell us that while people are lamenting, others have mastered the skill of staying positive and attaining positive result.

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Enough of all these, lets go straight to the reason why you started reading this post first of all;

The skill of cultivating a positive mindset in a negative environment

  • You are in this world, but you are not of this world

Ensure you disconnect completely from friends that are good in carrying negative news and information, they are not healthy to your emotional stability. Don’t prioritize such friendship at the detriment of your future.

  • Make friends with people with great mission, vision, dreams, ambition and aspiration, such people have wonderful ideas and opportunities surrounds them, you will all grow together.

  • Don’t be scared to say “ NO ” to negative voices around you, saying “ NO “ is you greatest weapon/ asset against negativity.

  • No matter what happens, be appreciative with an understanding that it could have been worst.

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  • Stay tuned to positive programs, cultivate the habit of watching interesting, educative and enlightenment Television broadcast. When listening to news, try to filter what you digest, don’t take in the negative ones to heart. Feed your mind with positive things.

  • When hit with a challenge or difficulties, don’t pounder on the position it has placed you in, wrap your head around the next suitable solution and line of action.

  • Have a friend, coach, therapist or matured adult who you can talk to or connect with from within when you are bothered and have less ideas. 

  • Don’t treat failure as an enemy, treat it as a friend so depression doesn’t set in, accept failure, learn from it and most importantly bounce back stronger.

  • Lastly have a very strong will, cultivate self confidence and self esteem, have a burning desire to achieve your destiny  because challenges must surely present itself, it is a respecter of no man.

Most Importantly be highly spiritually conscious, because the spiritual controls the physical.

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